Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and depression are both a normal part of contemporary life. There are many situations in life in which it is appropriate and even important that an anxiety response occur. And there are many times it would be inhuman to not experience a depressive state. While anxiety and depression are common and to be expected, they become unhealthy and maladaptive when they begin to affect your daily life.
Oftentimes, anxiety and depression are symptoms of other problems in our lives and my work will be to help us look at the deeper issues to discern what they might be masking. Other times, we just get stuck in a negative feedback loop where our bodies and minds spin around the physiological and psychological reasons for our anxiety or depression. I work to address anxiety and depression in a holistic manner, addressing the psychological, physiological, and social reasons our systems aren't working the way we want. If it is appropriate for you, I might refer you to a naturopath, doctor, or psychiatrist to help address the physiological needs while we address the emotional, cognitive, and relational side.
Regardless of the direction in which we go for healing, I will honor your unique self and set of experiences that contribute to anxiety and depression.